NAN Supports Families’ Call for Immediate Action as MMIWG National Action Plan Announced

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Walter Naveau supports families and communities calling for immediate action on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People, as the National Action Plan was announced today.

“Let us all remember the countless we can’t forget, those who are missing and gone – our grandmothers, daughters, sisters, and cousins who are so loved. Let us continue to cherish them in spirit and in our hearts,” said Deputy Grand Chief Walter Naveau. “Although many tears have been shed, that has not brought closure for those in prayer today longing for their loved ones. Let us find that solace as a Nation that binds us together as we walk the good Red Road honoring all Anishinaabe quay. We remain committed to our responsibility to advocate for justice, and we expect immediate action from the Government of Canada to move this work forward.”

The NAN Women’s Council has identified the following priorities for the National Action Plan:

  • Equitable opportunity for Indigenous women in governance and decision-making processes.
  • More opportunities for Indigenous Women and Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People, to lead the creation of programs and service design at the provincial and federal levels.
  • Equitable funding specific to NAN communities for safety and violence prevention initiatives.
  • Enhancement of existing programming and services to increase accessible and equitable funding for participation in policy design and strategies in Ontario.
  • Creation of capacity funding for NAN First Nations, Tribal Councils, and regional organizations to develop processes to shape violence prevention and increase awareness.
  • Immediate healing supports for families and communities.

“We come from a matriarchal society; this must be recognized. We need to be included in decisions that address violence against us,” said NAN Women’s Council member Bertha Sutherland, of Moose Cree First Nation. “Let us all support the prevention of violence against Indigenous Women and Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People.”

NAN contributed to the development of the National Action Plan through the work of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Women’s Council and Chiefs of Ontario First Nation Women’s Caucus, as well as the Indigenous Women’s Advisory Council. Both the AFN Women’s Council and the Indigenous Women’s Advisory Council are on track to build and lead effective actions to address the 231 Calls for Justice.

NAN acknowledges that the federal government has pledged $2.2 billion to support National Action Plan initiatives, and expects that details on funding distribution will be released immediately and dispersed equitably.

For more information please contact:
Michael Heintzman,
Director of Communications
Cell: (807) 621-2790

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