NAN Stands with Chiefs of Ontario, Manitoba Métis Federation against MNO and Bill C-53

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler has issued the following statement supporting unified opposition to the Métis Nation of Ontario and Bill C-53 announced today by Chiefs of Ontario (COO) and the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) during the 2024 Indigenous Identity Fraud Summit in Winnipeg: 

“We fully support the position of Chiefs of Ontario and the Manitoba Métis Federation and thank them for taking a strong and united stance against illegitimate and shifting claims to indigeneity. Miigwetch to Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare and Manitoba Métis Federation President David Chartrand for their leadership. I stand with them in defence of our territories and our rights. 

NAN First Nations are the original inhabitants of the lands within NAN and signed Treaties with the Crown. Our rights and jurisdiction are not subject to the whims of settler governments. Our rights will not be threated by illegitimate claims, and we will not stand for any infringement on our Treaty rights. 

It is dishonourable for Canada to recognize Section 35 rights of alleged Métis communities within our territories when our history confirms that no such communities existed. Recognizing Section 35 rights-bearing groups within NAN territory is an attack on our inherent and Treaty rights. 

We have made it clear that we do not recognize or consent to another order of government within our territories. Our federal Treaty partner must rescind Bill C-53 and respect and implement our Treaties in the spirit and intent understood by our ancestors.” 

NAN strongly opposes the Métis Self-Government Recognition and Implementation Agreement between the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) and the Government of Canada. NAN respects the rights of all Peoples but does not recognize the existence of any rights-bearing Métis communities, either historic or current in Treaty No. 9 and the Ontario portion of Treaty No. 5. 

NAN supports Wabun Tribal Council, representing six Treaty No. 9 First Nations in NAN territory, which has launched a Federal Court challenge of the February 2023 agreement between the Métis Nation of Ontario and the Government of Canada. 

For more information please contact:
Michael Heintzman,
Director of Communications
Cell: (807) 621-2790

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