The Draft Settlement Agreement on Long-Term Reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Program addresses the unique discrimination faced by NAN First Nations with historic reforms on funding to account for the high costs of delivering services in remote communities.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation will host a series of engagement sessions to provide a robust summary of the Draft Agreement and help Leadership engage with their members:

  • Final Settlement Agreement Information Sessions (NAN Territory)
  • Final Settlement Agreement Question & Answer Sessions (NAN Territory)
  • Final Settlement Agreement Chiefs Special Assembly (NAN Territory)

All sessions are scheduled for 10:00 AM EST / 9:00 AM CT. They will be recorded and posted to this website.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions via chat or submit questions using a designated form. All questions will be discussed and addressed during a dynamic panel discussion at the Final Settlement Agreement Q&A Session that follows.

Please use the form below to submit your questions. We will respond to every inquiry as quickly as possible.

Schedule of Sessions

Final Settlement Agreement Information Session #1
July 29, 2024 – 10AM EST (9AM CT)
Meeting Link
Meeting Agenda
Final Settlement Agreement Q&A Session #1
August 1, 2024 – 10AM EST (9AM CT)
Final Settlement Agreement Information Session #2
August 19, 2024 – 10AM EST (9AM CT)
Final Settlement Agreement Q&A Session #2
August 22, 2024 – 10AM EST (9AM CT)
Final Settlement Agreement Chief’s Special Assembly
August 28, 2024 – 10AM EST (9AM CT)

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