Letter from Sachigo Lake First Nation

RE: Mining and Exploration

In the Spring of 2023 Exiro Minerals contacted the Chief and Council of Sachigo Lake First Nation. At the time, the Chief and Council stated that answering their phone call was not to be used as a form of consultation and told Exiro that Sachigo Lake First Nation is currently not open to any mining or exploration activities.

The Province of Ontario, along with the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources, and Forestry, secretly issued a permit to Mulga Mineral INC. on June 26, 2024. In its decision to issue a permit ·to Mulga Minerals INC,

”The exploration permit was issued once all Indigenous communities and the public had the opportunity to provide comment or raise their concerns. The Exploration Permit duration will be up to 3 years with the possibility of renewal.

A comment period was held from May 15, 2024, to June 15, 2024. At no time, did the Province of Ontario, The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Mulga Minerals INC, Exiro Minerals or Chenier Drilling attempt to seek permission from Sachigo Lake First Nation and its people to discuss concerns over the issuing of this permit for early exploration with a mechanized drill weighing over 150kgs.

Exiro Minerals, without permission and without the knowledge of the Chief and Council, encroached on Sachigo Lake territory. They landed and stored numerous barrels of fuel on the tarmac, with the MTO workers at the airport having no knowledge of who the fuel belonged to. This unauthorized presence is a clear violation of our territorial rights.

This morning, Councillors Claude Mckay, Eugene Tait, and Michael Tait took a flight to the proposed drilling area and made a disturbing discovery. They found a camp site with several tents and a makeshift dock, underscoring the urgent need for action against these unauthorized activities.

The gross behavior practices of these mining companies will not be tolerated on our traditional lands and territory without free prior informed consent from the land rights holders in Sachigo Lake. Until such consent is given from the people of Sachigo Lake we will exercise our rights to protect and preserve our waterways and land.


Sachigo Lake Chief and Council

For more information please contact:
Michael Heintzman,
Director of Communications
Cell: (807) 621-2790

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