News Releases

Residential School Survivors Seek Justice for Canada’s Failure through International Commission

OTTAWA, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum has reaffirmed NAN’s commitment to seeking justice for Indian Residential School Survivors following the passing of an Assembly of First Nations resolution calling for the establishment of an independent international commission to examine how Survivors were failed by the Indian Residential School Settlement…

NAN Reaffirms Predominance of Treaty, Support for First Nations’ Assertion of Rights

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Derek Fox, on behalf of the Executive Council, has issued the following statement reaffirming the predominance of Treaty No. 9 and Treaty No. 5, and supporting NAN First Nations asserting their inherent rights and jurisdiction over their traditional territories: “The people of Nishnawbe Aski are the…

Wunnumin First Nation Calls on Canada to Ensure Community Members Receive Individual Compensation Under Class Action Settlement

Wunnumin Lake First Nation – Chief and Council of Wunnumin Lake First Nation are calling on the Government of Canada to ensure that compensation is provided for community members who have suffered from boil water advisories but are being denied compensation under the terms of a settlement agreement for class-action litigation on Canada’s failure to…

NAN Calls for Implementation of Mamakwa-McKay Inquest Recommendations

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Derek Fox welcomes recommendations delivered by the jury in the inquest into the deaths of Don Mamakwa and Roland McKay and calls for a process to begin their immediate implementation. “This inquest has been a long and difficult process for the families, friends, and communities of these…

NAN to Honour Fallen Warriors on Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day

THUNDER BAY, ON: Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Executive Council will honour the contributions of Indigenous veterans on Indigenous Veterans Day, today and during Remembrance Day ceremonies across northwestern Ontario on Friday. “This week we honour all our warriors who have come to the defence of Turtle Island in world wars and conflicts…
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