News Releases

NAN Mourns Passing of former Weenusk First Nation (Peawanuck) Chief George Hunter

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Derek Fox, on behalf of the Executive Council, expresses heartfelt condolences following the passing of former Weenusk First Nation (Peawanuck) Chief George Hunter: “We are very saddened to learn that our dear friend has begun his journey to the Spirit World. Our thoughts and prayers are…

NAN Mourns Passing of North Spirit Lake First Nation Chief Caroline Keesic

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Derek Fox, on behalf of the Executive Council, expresses heartfelt condolences following the passing of North Spirit Lake First Nation Chief Caroline Keesic: “We are very saddened to learn that our friend began her journey to the Spirit World this morning. Our thoughts and prayers are…

Chiefs Endorse Housing Strategy, NAN Looks to Canada and Ontario to Address Housing Crisis

TIMMINS, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) will seek support from the governments of Canada and Ontario for a new First Nation-designed strategy endorsed by Chiefs-in-Assembly to address the housing crisis in NAN First Nations and improve the health of community members. “The NAN Housing Strategy was developed by our members as a solution to the…

NAN Recognizes Outstanding Contributions of Community Members, Honours Past Leaders

TIMMINS, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Derek Fox and members of the Executive Council congratulate recipients of the 2022 Keewaywin Awards for their outstanding leadership, accomplishments, and contributions to our Nations. “We are pleased to congratulate this year’s recipients and we are proud to honour our past Grand Chiefs for their tireless efforts…

NAN Residential School Survivor Evelyn Korkmaz Shares Message with Pope Francis

QUEBEC CITY, QC: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Indian Residential School Survivor Evelyn Korkmaz, a member of Fort Albany First Nation, presented a letter with the following message to His Holiness Pope Francis in the traditional territory of the Cree First Nation of Waswanipi this morning: “This has been an emotional week for me as a…
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