News Releases

Canada Continues to Shred the Rights of St. Anne’s Survivors

Treaty No.9, Fort Albany First Nation, Ontario…The survivors of St. Anne’s Residential school are rejecting Ottawa’s independent review outright. The survivors are currently in a legal process and any interference from Canada with their legal fight in seeking justice is inappropriate. Survivor and Board member of Peetabeck Keway Keykaywin Association (PKKA), Greg Spence has maintained…

NAN Celebrates Signing of Relationship Accords to Improve Health Care across NAN Territory

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler joined with First Nations leaders and health care providers to celebrate the signing of Relationship Accords during NAN’s Virtual Chiefs Assembly on Health Transformation & Governance today. “We are grateful that these dedicated experts are committed to working with us and our communities in…

NAN Celebrates Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund’s $50-million Milestone

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Jason Smallboy, on behalf of the Executive Council, joined with First Nation leaders today to celebrate Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund’s (NADF) milestone achievement of reaching $50 million in disbursed loans as of February 2, 2021. “This is an incredible milestone and I congratulate everyone at…

Federal Response to Auditor General Report Not Enough to Secure Safe Water for First Nations

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler says the Government of Canada’s response to yesterday’s report by the Auditor General of Canada falls shorts of the specific commitments needed to ensure that safe drinking water is available in First Nations communities: “The Auditor General has confirmed what we have been saying…
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