Emergency Management

An emergency is a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property. An emergency may be caused by forces of nature, a disease or other health risk inclusive of failure of critical infrastructure, an accident, or an act whether intentional or otherwise. These situations could threaten public safety, public health, the environment, property, critical infrastructure, and economy stability.

Emergency management consists of organized policies, programs and activities used to deal with actual or potential emergencies.

It is based on a risk management approach and includes the following five pillars:

  • Prevention
  • Mitigation
  • Preparedness
  • Response
  • Recovery

Emergency Management Contact Information:

Maya Boivin

Emergency Management Policy Analyst

Kevin Ramcharan

Emergency Management Officer

Current Federal Government Programs Supporting Emergency Management in First Nations:

Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP)
Emergency Management Assistance Program (sac-isc.gc.ca)

Build Back Better Strategy Guide for EMAP applications
Building back better: Emergency Management Assistance Program Strategy Guide (sac-isc.gc.ca)

Emergency Management FireSmart Program
Emergency Management FireSmart program (sac-isc.gc.ca)

Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program
Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program (sac-isc.gc.ca)

First Nations Infrastructure Fund
First Nation Infrastructure Fund (sac-isc.gc.ca)

First Nations Adapt
First Nation Adapt Program (rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca)

NAN Developed Emergency Management Resources:

External Resources:

MNRF Forest Fire Reporting Poster OjiCree
MNRF Forest Fire Reporting Poster Ojibway
MNRF Forest Fire Reporting Poster English
MNRF Drone Safety Poster OjiCree
MNRF Drone Safety Poster Ojibway
MNRF Drone Safety Poster English
MNRF Waterbomber Awareness Poster – OjiCree
MNRF Waterbomber Awareness Poster – Ojibway
MNRF Waterbomber Awareness Poster – English

Joint Emergency Management Steering Committee: Service Level Standards
MNRF Wildland Fire Management Strategy
Hydro One Electrical Safety Poster
FireSmart Begins at Home Guide

Stronger Together: Evacuation Partnerships Toolkit

External Training Opportunities:

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Indigenous Youth Work Exchange Program

Indigenous Youth Work Exchange Program | ontario.ca

Current Regional Hazard Information:

Forest Fire Interactive Fire Map:  Forest fires | ontario.ca
Fire Smoke Forecast: Home – FireSmoke.ca
Remote Airports Information Map: Ontario 511 (511on.ca)
Flood Forecast Flood Forecasting and Warning Program (gov.on.ca)

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